The inspection reveals that both the quantity and quality of the wheat delivered are not in conformity with those stipulated in the contract, though the packing is all in good condition. 尽管包装完好,但检验表明,这批小麦的数量与质量都不符合合同规定。
The indicator is set automatically for a goods movement when the total reserved quantity has been withdrawn or delivered. 当总的预定的数量被退回或者发出时,指示器(系统)能自动记录某种货物的流向。
The communes gurantee the quantity and quality of the vegetables delivered. 公社保证交售蔬菜的质量和数量。
The quantity to be delivered next month must not be less than100M/ T. 下月应缴付的数量不得少于100公吨。
NCB product supply department shall immediately trace the products being complained about, which shall include: the quantity of the products delivered for this batch, the quantity of the products sent to the customer, the customer name and the stock quantity. ncb产品供应部立即对被投诉的产品进行追溯,追溯的情况包括:该批次产品出货的数量,以及发往客户的数量、客户名称、库存数量。
After investigation, the buyer would find that the bill of lading, certificate of quantity and quality, packing list and invoice are all forged and no goods are delivered. 买方经调查发现,原来海运提单、质量和数量证明、装箱明细表、商业发票全部是伪造的,根本就没有发货。
B.If the quality or quantity of work delivered to the ordering party does not conform to the prescriptions of the contract, it shall, without charge, undertake to make repairs or supplement the quantity or, depending on the circumstances, reduce remuneration. 2.未按合同规定的质量、数量完成定作方交付的工作,应无偿进行修理、补足数量或者酌减报酬。
In truly captive markets, quantity delivered might be more important than relevance or quality. 在真正的垄断市场中,交付的数量也许要比产品是否合适或质量更重要。
But the worldwide volume of such aid has stagnated for the past two decades and, what is worse, the quantity of aid delivered tends to fall as prices rise, given that a large proportion comprises a fixed annual dollar amount. 但过去20年,全球这类援助的数量一直没有增加。更糟糕的是,鉴于很大一部分援助由每年固定数额的美元构成,随着价格上涨,派发的援助数量也会呈现下降趋势。
The quantity of goods stated in the Bill of Lading, and or WR ( Where permitted) shall be conclusive evidence of the quantity of goods delivered. Transport, Storage, Communication Cluster 提单上的数量和/或仓库收据(如准许)证明该数量的货物已交付。交通,货仓与通讯聚合组
The integrative inventory total cost can be minimized by simultaneously optimizing ordering quantity, reorder point, lead time and the number of lots delivered from vendor to buyer. 该模型通过同时计算最优订货量、再订货点、提前期以及运送批次,使供需一体化库存总成本最小。
In order to guarantee the quantity of flow medium traffic delivered in the network, congestion control strategy is more and more adopted in flow medium traffic. 为保证网络流媒体传输质量,在流媒体的传输中多采用有效的拥塞控制策略。
Delivery of goods pursuant to contract is seller's principal obligation under an international contract for sale of goods, concerning time and place of delivery, quality and quantity of goods delivered, and freedom from third party's claim. 国际货物买卖合同中卖方的主要义务是按照合同的规定交付货物,其中包括交付的时间、地点、数量、质量和权利担保等问题。
Then we define the quantity of Predicted, the quantity of production order, the quantity of plan, the actual production quantity and the quantity of actual delivered as five key indicators. 用过程分析的方法确定需求预测量,实际订单量,生产计划产量,实际产量,实际交付量这五项关键指标。
It can better study circulation, to figure out the factors that influence circulation loss, so that products be of good quality and quantity delivered to the distribution chain of the terminal, to enhance consumer welfare. 这样就能更好地研究流通环节,弄清楚影响流通损失的因素,使产品保质保量传递到流通链条终端,提高消费者福利。